
Izsák Farkas

Violinist, actor, performer

Izsák Farkas graduated as a violinist in 2010. Since then, with the help of his instrument, electro-acoustic devices and performances, he aims to expand the conceptual boundaries of music. As part of the well-know musical group, Infusion Trio, they explore today’s top hits in a completely new, unusual instrumentation and sounding through the use of electronic instruments and effect pedals.

He started researching new, groundbreaking expressions of the electric violin during his university years. Performing arts are also an integral part of his career: the audience of Víg Theatre in Budapest could see him in the title role of “Fiddler on the Roof” for 6 years. His presence in various theatrical art trends is continuous.

Alongside other activities, he is a member and even lead figure of many jazz, rock, fusion and crossover bands. He is an extraordinary, popular musician and a successful teacher, too.

To sum up his work, he built the ”Follow the Violin” community brand, allowing people to peek into his exciting live performances.

My Sessions